Facts & Tips
Why should I clean my Air Conditioner.
Like any machine Air conditioners need regular maintenance to keep them efficient safe & prevent excessive running cost, odours, Air & water borne Virus Bacteria & germs.
Like any machine a bit of love goes a long way & help extend the life of the system.
Air Conditioners that have not been cleaned regularly can cost as much as 25% more per year to run.
That can be as much as an extra $16 per month or $200 per year per system.
Cooling will extract anywhere from 2 litres + per hour from a room per system.
Air Conditioning It will also extract anything in the rooms air, dust, lint, human & animal skin flakes, virus germs odours & supports bacteria growth if left.
SUPERCELL DIY Air Conditioner cleaner 750ml trigger bottle is easy to use for cleaning filters Coils & covers.
It's safe, will remove bad odours Virus Germs bacteria while keeping the cool air colder & warm air hotter.